Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I had a little stopover in Montreal where Maud (the intern going to Bucharest) met me at the airport. We went to her place, which is in the Saint Catherines district.

Yep, the heart of gay Montreal.

The first thing I see when I get out of the taxi are two men holding hands. Quite a shock for a girl from small town New Brunswick. I also saw a gay Tim Horton's. There were rainbow triangles in all the windows. I wanted to get a picture but I didn't want to seem rude.

At night, we went to see Mado, the famous transvestite, for 'her' cabaret show. It was Acadian Pride night and it was a riot to see grown men in Acadian-style dresses dancing traditional Acadian dances. The lady next to me was from Bathurst and she was singing and dancing along. If only my grandmother could do something like that!


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