Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I loved Assisi. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Almost want to move there.

We arrived at night. After a brief nap, Mom and I went out to explore. It's built on some hills and there are plenty of little streets to explore. As you've probably realised, I have a "thing" for street scenes. At home, I have a series of pictures I took on the wall, of various European streets. I'm always looking to add to my collection!

St. Francis' cathedral was incredible. St. Chapelle in Paris might have some competition! At night, there were tonnes of people around. We couldn't even get through the door! We saw Francis' tomb and observed the "do not take pictures" signs (unlike other tourists). At around 8 pm, when the church closed, everyone streamed out. We followed the group. There must have been two or three thousand people (or more). They all ran to their tour busses. Nuns, students, tourists. Fat people. Thin people. Kids, adults and the elderly. MOdern day pilgrims. Even we're a thousand years later, I guess some things never change.

The next morning, Mom and I got up early to do some more sight-seeing. We got to see the church again. I had to examine all the frescoes. Then we went to see the relinquary downstairs. I was so excited! I was looking forward to seeing it as it contained Francis' robe and a dress created by St. Clair. And some locks of her hair. The dress could have been made yesterday, even if its wearer must have weighed 300 Kg! His tunic looked exactly like you would picture belonging to a monk. And St. Clair had curly blond hair.

Otherwise, Assisi is a pleasant town to wander around and get lost in. Very expensive though. I wouldn't have minded another day there, but I was satisfied with the time I got to spend there.


Blogger bava said...

It's funny, I also did Italy with my mom. We ended up spending a good three days in Assisi because we found it so relaxing. There weren't many tourists while we were there (certainly not a thousand people in St Francis' Cathedral). All my pictures are in hard-copy format, but I'll have to scan a couple and put them up. I also have the best street picture ever (from Venice) which you might like.

It doesn't look like you made it up to the Hermitage though, which is too bad. It's a nice walk (if you eschew the bus), though I did it in the Summer and it was a bit hot. But you get to see the cave that Francis used to sleep in, among other things. Definately worth a look if you end up in Assisi again (and if you move there, I'll definately have to come visit!).

1:50 p.m., November 16, 2004  

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