Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Oh, do I hate the <div> command.

Always hated it, always will.

It's a vicious circle:
I hate it, so I never learned how to use it. And since I don't know how to use it, I can't use it and therefore hate it.

I spent two hours yesterday trying to puzzle through some <div> tags. I could not figure out for the life of me why I could not move some text.

Cristi had to calm me down last night. "<div> is your friend!" "BULLSHIT! I HATE DIV!!!"

Luckily, I forgot about my troubles for a while. A bunch of us from the Institute went out for drinks and I drowned my sorrows in some cappuccino.

Sort of. And to think I had almost gotten used to cafes and restaurants being out of certain items. I ordered a honey cappuccino only to find out there was no honey. Hmph. Tomatoes, fondue, honey...what's next? Why have things like...oh...fondues, with nice full colour pictures to advertise them, only to not even sell them?

This morning, I realised that the text was part of the background image. I feel:
a) stupid, because I didn't realise this sooner
b) triumphant, because once again I have defeated the <div> tag

As a further insult to injury, Blogger wouldn't publish this because it claimed that I did not close my <div> tag.


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