Saturday, January 08, 2005


So now I'm back. I'm sad.

Portugal was wonderful. It was good to see Nuno again, and his family and friends are amazing. I don't think I've ever met a nicer group of people. New Year's was a blast and I keep reliving all the moment over in my head.

Portugal is now my favourite country. Sorry Sweden, Spain and Croatia. Everyone in Portugal is just so nice. Plus, they have palm trees. Can't go wrong with palm trees, I always say.

I've spent the past 2.5 weeks with people. Walking into my empty apartment was hell. More so when I realised that when my boss asked me before I left if I minded his wife bringing in a photocopier for her work, he never told me that she would be using the spare room. She already uses my living room. So my storage room is now gone. No place to put my suitcase, ironing board, drying rack or ladder. I have things in the spare bathroom, but I'm not pleased. Well, at least this means that I won't be having a roomate!

So I was supposed to be using this afternoon to translate my article for work, but instead I've been blogging for the past six hours. I hope you're all happy and have a safe and happy holiday season!


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