Monday, March 07, 2005


This morning SUCKED.

I planned on walking to work unless the tram was right there when I crossed the street.

Missed the tram by 2 seconds.

So I'm walking to work... la la la

Oh, and did I mention I was wearing sneakers? I was. Because:
a) my boot soles leak and the top of my left boot mysteriously developed a hole (probably happened at TMBase)
b) the zipper on my knee-high black boots broke

(Actually, this botheres me a lot less than it should, because they're just more things I don't have to bring home with me)

Normally, we shouldn't have snow, but of course, we got a snow storm Friday night.

And the days are warm and the nights are cold. Ergo, ice everywhere.

Of course, I slipped on said ice. I heard a sick ripping sound. Yup, my pants ripped. I didn't think the damage was too bad, so I decided to just walk home and change. However, my pants felt very...loose.

I reached behind me and felt. Knee to waistband. Yup, everything was hanging out. Luckily, I was wearing a sweater, so in the middle of the sidewalk, I was standing in a tank top, trying to tie my sweater around my waist. People were looking at me strangely, but I hope it was because I was in bare arms in -10 C weather instead of the fact that my ass was on display to all of Piata Dacia.

I got home without incident, changed, and missed the tram again by like 2 seconds.

"Ok, taxi it is", I thought.

No taxis at the stand. No problem, I'll just walk 5 minutes to the next one.

No taxis. This is odd.

Finally, a taxi drives by on the opposite side of the street. We make eye contact and I raise my hand so he knows I need a cab. He immediately turns around. I'm relieved.

Then another cab drives up and stops in front of me. Because I already signaled to the other driver that I would go with him, I let someone else take the car. Then my cabbie drives up. He starts to open the door for me and I'm around to get in when a group of guys get in the back. I look at the driver and give him a "what about me?" look and he just shrugs his shoulders and drives off.

A minute later, another taxi drives up and I get in. I tip him way too much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baci :)

2:15 p.m., March 07, 2005  
Blogger C.George said...

I lived in France last year when it snowed in late February. I remember getting soaking wet on my way to work one morning then slipping on some ice and splitting a pair of brand new cords. Hope your day got better after the taxi ride!!

3:21 p.m., March 07, 2005  
Blogger p.p. said...

Wow, that sux. You should have flipped out at the group of guys. That would have been the cherry on this horrid event. ;)

11:32 a.m., March 08, 2005  
Blogger Brandon said...

god i love really nice people who are always falling into comic misadventures. is it wrong of me to hope that a whole more of these things will keep happening to you?

my wife said the weather in sibiu has been equally dreadful. she flies out of otopeni on saturday, swearing never to return to her homeland. apparently the trip hasn't been full of happy, happy, joy, joy.

2:55 p.m., March 08, 2005  
Blogger Karla said...

Ok Mr. "Baci", I remember a certain phone call of yours where you described *your* day of hell, and I made sympathetic cooing noises instead of laughing my ass off.

But you're right, it's funny as hell. Even my boss laughed.

Um, I wouldn't want to ruin another pair of pants since the Benneton closed and I can't find any decent clothes in Timisoara.

Comical stuff happening to me is good. Gives me reasons to blog. I swore when I started this thing that I would never get too personal (check the archives) but it's hard not to just blog about my daily life.

I've had funny stuff happen to me though. Problem is that I don't know who is reading this and I don't want my words to get back to Schizo American/schizo nephew of Romanian politician/truly schizo American I shared a hostel room with in Bucharest. Ah, what the heck. I'll write it in the comments.

1:18 p.m., March 09, 2005  
Blogger Karla said...

So I'm in the hostel in Bucharest and I'm regaling the tales of my time with the schizophrenic in Turkey to my roomate when he gets really quiet and tells me he's also schizophrenic (good thing I was treating the guy with dignity instead of calling him crazy).

Fast forward to the next night and this guy is telling me he suffers from every medical condition known to mankind. And, to top it all off, he's circumcised. (Oh no!) So he starts spouting off all this racial hatred against Jews, because it was "obviously" a Jewish doctor who did that to him. I explained that there is no Jewish conspiracy and that Jews don't routinely kidnap American baby boys from hospitals to circumcise them. Nope, that wasn't good enough, and he said he would accept his disabilities and even blindness and deafness, if he could get his forskin back.

It was then that he started threatening to hit the wall with his Pepsi bottle. I feigned exhaustion and went to sleep (in another room).

1:24 p.m., March 09, 2005  

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