Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"Now with more testicles"

It's not Romania but it's still good.

From Ananova.

Specialist cooks from around the world have gathered in Serbia for the World Testicle Cooking Championship.

Testicles are regarded as a gourmet delicacy in Serbia and the country is hoping to develop an export market.

The championship was organised by Ljubomir Erovic, of the Serbian Tourism Board, as a way of promoting the dish.

He said: "The best cooked balls come from Serbia and we wanted to stage this contest to show the world what great dishes can be cooked using testicles, which are known locally here as white kidneys."

Serbian daily newspaper Glas Javnosti said the contest in the village of Savinac, close to town of Gornji Milanovac, was won by gourmet testicle chef Dejan Milovanovic from Belgrade.

His specialist dish prepared using testicles from a bull and a boar beat off challengers from around the world, who cooked their way through more than 20 kilos of prepared testicles.

Milovanovic added: "Testicles are becoming more popular in Belgrade and we hope that more restaurants will offer this local speciality now that they see what tasty dishes can be created."

Next year the event will include an 'exotic testicles' section where chefs will have to come up with a dish using camel and ostrich testicles.

Organiser Erovic said: "All testicles can be eaten, except human of course - we don't want any cannibals here."


Blogger Eve L said...

Is it childish of me to laugh at the phrase 'beat off' in an article about testicles?

12:01 p.m., November 03, 2004  
Blogger bava said...

If it is, then I'm childish too.
Which is, of course, entirely possible.

1:37 p.m., November 03, 2004  

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