Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Taxi drivers, part 38

The new intern arrives today and I didn't want to be late meeting her. I got a taxi to work and asked for my usual stop: "Catedrale, va rog".

After a few minutes, the driver asked me what language I spoke. "English". Then he asked me what I was doing here. And how long I was staying. And if I missed my parents. And what jobs my parents do in Canada.

It wasn't until we were almost to my stop that I realised that we were speaking completely in Romanian. I understood everything he said! And he understood me! Of course, my grammar and vocabulary are spotty, but still! I have this nice warm glowy feeling inside.

I always ask to get out at the cathedral because if I give my work address, unscrupulous drivers take the long route there and I end up getting charged double. The cathedral is only a five minute walk from my building, so it's just as easy to get dropped off there.

I had walked maybe ten metres when the taxi driver honked. He asked if that's where I *really* wanted to get out. I told him it's only a five minute walk to my office but he insisted on driving me there. What a nice guy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there,
Hope you had a good trip.

I know what you mean about Romanian. It's crazy how easy it is to pick it up. Most of the packaging here has 13 different eastern European languages and the Romanian is the one we can always figure out. A couple of the cable channels we have (Discovery and one other) are Romanian and just from watching the commercials I feel like I can understand quite a bit of it. It is a nice sounding language as well.

Hope the job stuff works out.

- Tony

3:28 p.m., January 11, 2005  

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