Thursday, January 27, 2005

I'm off!

So while plenty of my friends have told me they envy my travel, do they really envy this?

6:33 am: Leave for Bucharest on the train
2:50 pm: Arrive in Bucharest
Wait (hopefully meet up with Maud, another FAC intern)
6:00 pm: Arrive at Otopeni Airport
7:25 pm: Take off
9:00 pm: Arrive in Istanbul
10:00 pm: Take off for Ankara
11:00 pm: Arrive in Ankara

Then we have to collect our baggage, and it's a thirty minute drive to where we're staying. So, we'll be dead on arrival.

Don't get me started on the travel from Ankara to Tbilisi, but it involves numerous busses and or trains, which could take upwards of fourty hours. Not fun.

I'll try to blog as much as I can (hello, Internet cafes) but if I'm not in touch, rest assured that I'm still at least *thinking* about blogging!

Wish me luck!


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