Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Stupid things

I've done a lot of stupid things in my life.

Hell, I've done a lot of stupid things in the past six months.

Turkey and Georgia are two of the...well, I wouldn't call them stupid, but I'll try to lay everything out.

Dumb thing #1
Coming to Romania. Sure, it was the best decision I could have made, but I'll always look back and think "what if?"
Risk factor: 3/10 - I didn't know the language but everyone has taken such good care of me
Result: I wouldn't change coming here for the world

Dumb thing #2
Letting the girlfriend of a "friend" spend the night when he treated her badly.
Risk factor: 4/10 - I didn't know her at all
Result: I made a new friend who is one of the most wonderful people I've met in Romania

Dumb thing #3
Travelling from one end of Europe to the other over the holidays to help out at a New Year's Eve party a friend (whom I met three months previous in Bulgaria) was planning
Risk factor: 2/10 - I trusted him completely the instant I met him, although I was still a little nervous seeing him again
Result: Became closer friends with him and made new friends through him in the process

Dumb thing #4
Travelling along from Ankara to Tbilisi. My friend Rob oh so helpfully (ok, I asked for it) provided me the link to ComeBackAlive and they have a huge section on Turkey. Great. I have to beware of Kurdish kidnappers, terrorists and bombs. Georgia's been taken off the list and apparently at one time, Romania and Yugoslavia were on there as well. I made out fine in both cases, so maybe I'll be ok.
Risk factor: 8/10 - Strange language, strange customs, strange culture and I'm a single female doing it all on my own
Result: Let's hope I come back alive.


Blogger Brandon said...

when i went to turkey from romania back in 94, i was warned by my romanian friends that i would almost certainly be raped by other men. i kind of took that as a compliment.

when i was in istanbul, some kurdish separatists blew up a car outside of the restaurant where i was eating. i think the following year turkish forces captured the kurdish leader at the time and things cooled off a bit.

12:53 p.m., January 26, 2005  
Blogger Karla said...


Someone already left me the link, but I think it's funnier the second time around!

7:29 a.m., January 27, 2005  

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